• Wrapped in Jamie Introduction

Introduction to Wrapped in Jamie

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Your start to an outlandish crochet journey

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Wrapped in Jamie is a CAL (Crochet-Along) consisting of 12 squares. 

Each of the pattern has a background story and a free pattern page. The patterns for these squares are available for free indefinitely as the “WiJ Season 1 Collection”.

More squares have and are being designed for the “WiJ Season 2 Collection” that are compatible with the Season 1 squares that can be used to enlarge a blanket or a wrap made of Wrapped in Jamie squares.

Three square borders, of course compatible and interchangeable with the squares, have been designed and are also available for free on the website to allow for different square/border combinations.

This introduction is an outline for your Wrapped in Jamie Crochet Along project. 

We talk about the background story to the crochet-along, pattern access and availability, the ‘Seasons’, ‘First Steps’ and suggestions on how to approach this CAL, Ccochet terminology, abbreviations and punctuation, basic stitches you should be familiar with and their abbreviations and definitions/instructions, as well as important pattern notes, tips, notes on the stitch count and an overview of available pattern resources and crochet tutorial links.

The introduction is a free resource and a very important document become familiar with the idea for and the requirements to get started with the Wrapped in Jamie pattern collection. 



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